The purpose of the Courts of Heaven ministry is to plead our case and to seek justice before the Righteous Judge and Creator of the Universe, Abba Father, and to silence the voice of the Accuser, Satan, against our ancestral bloodlines, and to remove any legal access or right of Satan to accuse, attack, harass, intimidate or torment us or our families through our ancestral bloodlines. We offer sessions in the Courts of Heaven for individuals, couples, families, churches, businesses and corporations, cities, nations and regions.
Session length varies depending on the nature and complexity of the case being presented, and the type of session and petitioner, but each session averages 4 (four) hours in length so it is recommended that those desiring such ministry prepare themselves beforehand and allocate sufficient time. Depending on availability of our ministry team and the volume of requests we receive, It may be necessary to schedule your session several weeks in advance. Each session is comprehensive in scope and in most cases, only one session is needed or required for a case. No promise or guarantee of any specific results is offered or implied, either implicitly or explicitly. Sessions are offered and conducted on a best efforts basis, and are Spirit-led but include some proprietary prayers and petitions. Ministry teams for the sessions will normally consist of at least three (3) team members, all of whom are seers, and in special situations, four (4) members when needed.